The best strategies to become a successful property investor in the UK
Have an endless supply of deals right away
Go straight to the motivated sellers
Dominate your investment area and never miss a follow up
High performing DTV letter campaigns
Target high converting off market leads
Domination of your investment area
Target all motivated sellers
Build a reputation of property problem solver
Never miss out on a good deal
Full address to contact vendors
Get full addresses of most properties, houses and flats alike
Identify if the owner lives there, or if privately rented or owned by a company
Bulk buy title register and mail the landlord directly (coming soon)
Highly targeted campaigns to motivated sellers
Target motivated sellers
Send 10x fewer letters, but convert 10x more deals
Target and batch campaigns to the exact motivation factor
High converting campaigns addressing landlords specific pain points
Target fallen through sales and reductions
Target stalling sales STC
Target withdrawn properties
Ready letter templates powered by Chat GPT4
High converting campaigns
Professionally engineered AI prompts
Templates for each motivation situation
Planning and automated follow-up letters
Automate campaigns and letter follow ups
Personalised letter sequence and frequency
Be the one always following up and winning the deal