The best strategies to become a successful property investor in the UK

Have an endless supply of deals right away

Go straight to the motivated sellers

Dominate your investment area and never miss a follow up

Find motivated sellers, fast

Source by strategy, sort by motivation indicators

Set AI Bots working 24/7
Set AI Bots working 24/7

Set AI bots working 24/7

Powered by AI

  • Set and forget your Lead Generators™

  • Working for you while you sleep

  • Bringing you deals that match your criteria

Set AI bots working 24/7

Powered by AI

  • Set and forget your Lead Generators™

  • Working for you while you sleep

  • Bringing you deals that match your criteria

Most advanced search filters

Powered by AI

  • Search by EPC, keywords, distance to amenities

  • Search by surface area (m², sqft), construction age and style

  • Search by agent name, ownership information

Most advanced search filters

Powered by AI

  • Search by EPC, keywords, distance to amenities

  • Search by surface area (m², sqft), construction age and style

  • Search by agent name, ownership information

Most advanced search filters
Most advanced search filters
All Residential & Commercial
All Residential & Commercial

All residential & commercial properties

Powered by AI

  • On market or direct-to-vendor

  • All listings matched and merged in one place

  • No need to look elsewhere

All residential & commercial properties

Powered by AI

  • On market or direct-to-vendor

  • All listings matched and merged in one place

  • No need to look elsewhere

Motivated Seller Leads Inbox™

Powered by AI

  • Hot motivated seller leads in your inbox every day

  • Focus on sales fallen through, back on the market, reduced, sticking around, delisted

  • Listed with multiple agents, in negative equity, for sale and to rent, short lease

  • High yield or below market value comparables

Motivated Seller Leads Inbox™

Powered by AI

  • Hot motivated seller leads in your inbox every day

  • Focus on sales fallen through, back on the market, reduced, sticking around, delisted

  • Listed with multiple agents, in negative equity, for sale and to rent, short lease

  • High yield or below market value comparables

Motivated Leads Inbox
Motivated Leads Inbox
Live data update
Live data update

Live data updates

Powered by AI

  • The equivalent of having all portals merged in one place

  • Live data feed

  • Every day updates

Live data updates

Powered by AI

  • The equivalent of having all portals merged in one place

  • Live data feed

  • Every day updates

High performing DTV letter campaigns

Target high converting off market leads

Dominate your investment area
Dominate your investment area

Domination of your investment area

Powered by AI

  • Target all motivated sellers

  • Build a reputation of property problem solver

  • Never miss out on a good deal

Domination of your investment area

Powered by AI

  • Target all motivated sellers

  • Build a reputation of property problem solver

  • Never miss out on a good deal

Full address to contact vendors

Powered by AI

  • Get full addresses of most properties, houses and flats alike

  • Identify if the owner lives there, or if privately rented or owned by a company

  • Bulk buy title register and mail the landlord directly (coming soon)

Full address to contact vendors

Powered by AI

  • Get full addresses of most properties, houses and flats alike

  • Identify if the owner lives there, or if privately rented or owned by a company

  • Bulk buy title register and mail the landlord directly (coming soon)

Full address to contact vendors
Full address to contact vendors
Arrange highly targeted campaigns to Motivated sellers
Arrange highly targeted campaigns to Motivated sellers

Highly targeted campaigns to motivated sellers

Powered by AI

  • Target motivated sellers

  • Send 10x fewer letters, but convert 10x more deals

  • Target and batch campaigns to the exact motivation factor

Highly targeted campaigns to motivated sellers

Powered by AI

  • Target motivated sellers

  • Send 10x fewer letters, but convert 10x more deals

  • Target and batch campaigns to the exact motivation factor

High converting campaigns addressing landlords specific pain points

Powered by AI

  • Target fallen through sales and reductions

  • Target stalling sales STC

  • Target withdrawn properties

High converting campaigns addressing landlords specific pain points

Powered by AI

  • Target fallen through sales and reductions

  • Target stalling sales STC

  • Target withdrawn properties

High converting campaigns that speak to their pains
High converting campaigns that speak to their pains
Letter templates and by ChatGPT
Letter templates and by ChatGPT

Ready letter templates powered by Chat GPT4

Powered by AI

  • High converting campaigns

  • Professionally engineered AI prompts

  • Templates for each motivation situation

Ready letter templates powered by Chat GPT4

Powered by AI

  • High converting campaigns

  • Professionally engineered AI prompts

  • Templates for each motivation situation

Ready letter templates powered by Chat GPT4

Powered by AI

  • High converting campaigns

  • Professionally engineered AI prompts

  • Templates for each motivation situation

Planning and automated follow-up letters

Powered by AI

  • Automate campaigns and letter follow ups

  • Personalised letter sequence and frequency

  • Be the one always following up and winning the deal

Planning and automated follow-up letters

Powered by AI

  • Automate campaigns and letter follow ups

  • Personalised letter sequence and frequency

  • Be the one always following up and winning the deal

Plan and automate follow-up letters
Plan and automate follow-up letters

Fill your pipeline with deals

Dominate your investment area

Live deal pipeline and follow-up system
Live deal pipeline and follow-up system

Live deal pipeline and follow-up system

Powered by AI

  • Ditch the “horrible property spreadsheet”, the “enslaving Trello board” or paid CRMs

  • Remove the admin and save on VA costs

  • Your deal’s price and status history updating automatically

Live deal pipeline and follow-up system

Powered by AI

  • Ditch the “horrible property spreadsheet”, the “enslaving Trello board” or paid CRMs

  • Remove the admin and save on VA costs

  • Your deal’s price and status history updating automatically

Organised viewings, offers and follow-up

Powered by AI

  • Find the needles in the haystack

  • View and offer on the best deals in your area

  • Never miss a follow-up and close more deals

Organised viewings, offers and follow-up

Powered by AI

  • Find the needles in the haystack

  • View and offer on the best deals in your area

  • Never miss a follow-up and close more deals

Organise viewings, make offers, follow-up
Organise viewings, make offers, follow-up
Calendar integration
Calendar integration

Calendar integration

Powered by AI

  • All your viewings and follow-ups synced with your calendar

  • Whether you use Google, iCal, Outlook or others

  • Phone friendly property details and Google Maps link for your viewings

Calendar integration

Powered by AI

  • All your viewings and follow-ups synced with your calendar

  • Whether you use Google, iCal, Outlook or others

  • Phone friendly property details and Google Maps link for your viewings

All your deals in one place and live updates

Powered by AI

  • Track your pipeline of on & off market deals, all in one place

  • Progress and convert all your deals, whatever the channel

  • The only CRM system with live updates with the market

All your deals in one place and live updates

Powered by AI

  • Track your pipeline of on & off market deals, all in one place

  • Progress and convert all your deals, whatever the channel

  • The only CRM system with live updates with the market

All your deals in one place and live updates
All your deals in one place and live updates
All your notes in one place
All your notes in one place

All your notes in one place

Powered by AI

  • Your one “place of truth”

  • From phone transcripts to viewing notes

  • Including all your team’s notes, all in one place

All your notes in one place

Powered by AI

  • Your one “place of truth”

  • From phone transcripts to viewing notes

  • Including all your team’s notes, all in one place

Team collaboration toolkit

Powered by AI

  • Share logins with your partner or team

  • Collaborate, split and delegate the workload between: building relationships, deals stacking or the admin

Team collaboration toolkit

Powered by AI

  • Share logins with your partner or team

  • Collaborate, split and delegate the workload between: building relationships, deals stacking or the admin

Collaborate with your team
Collaborate with your team

Find the best area for your strategy

Data and insight you actually care about

Data and insights you actually care about
Data and insights you actually care about

Data and insights you actually care about

Powered by AI

  • Why procrastinate on data when you could be looking at deals?

  • Leverage actually useful data that helps you take a decision today

  • That helps you find more motivated sellers

  • And helps you do more deals in less time

Data and insights you actually care about

Powered by AI

  • Why procrastinate on data when you could be looking at deals?

  • Leverage actually useful data that helps you take a decision today

  • That helps you find more motivated sellers

  • And helps you do more deals in less time

Address Lookup -find all information about any property

Powered by AI

  • Find all information on any on or off market property (including yours!)

  • Ownership detail, last sold history, lease length, planning constraints, lease length

  • Comparables, on the market, recently withdrawn or sold

Address Lookup -find all information about any property

Powered by AI

  • Find all information on any on or off market property (including yours!)

  • Ownership detail, last sold history, lease length, planning constraints, lease length

  • Comparables, on the market, recently withdrawn or sold

Any Address Lookup -find all information about any property
Any Address Lookup -find all information about any property
All areas’ analytics & heat maps
All areas’ analytics & heat maps

All areas' analytics & heat maps

Powered by AI

  • Whatever your strategy compare area performance, yield, property price, rentals, and demand

  • Postcode district by postcode district

  • Property type by property type

All areas' analytics & heat maps

Powered by AI

  • Whatever your strategy compare area performance, yield, property price, rentals, and demand

  • Postcode district by postcode district

  • Property type by property type

Market Live Data (price, rent, yield, demand for every property type)

Powered by AI

  • Check any property against its area performance

  • Postcode district by postcode district, property type by property type

  • Whatever your strategy

Market Live Data (price, rent, yield, demand for every property type)

Powered by AI

  • Check any property against its area performance

  • Postcode district by postcode district, property type by property type

  • Whatever your strategy

Market Live Data (price, rent, yield, demand for every property type)
Market Live Data (price, rent, yield, demand for every property type)
Last Sold Map
Last Sold Map

Last Sold Map™

Powered by AI

  • Full details of the performance of a street, a street end or a street side

  • Fully understand the performance of an area

Last Sold Map™

Powered by AI

  • Full details of the performance of a street, a street end or a street side

  • Fully understand the performance of an area

Interactive Planning Constraints Map™, incl. HMO Article 4 Map™

Powered by AI

  • Overlay all planning constraints

  • HMO Article 4 Area

  • Conservation areas, green belts (coming soon)

  • Flood zones, SSSI, SAC (coming soon)

Interactive Planning Constraints Map™, incl. HMO Article 4 Map™

Powered by AI

  • Overlay all planning constraints

  • HMO Article 4 Area

  • Conservation areas, green belts (coming soon)

  • Flood zones, SSSI, SAC (coming soon)

Interactive planning constraints map, including HMO Article 4 Map
Interactive planning constraints map, including HMO Article 4 Map

Assess deals in seconds

Comparables, deal calculator and auto due diligence

Instant price and BTL rent valuation
Instant price and BTL rent valuation

Instant price and BTL rent valuation

Powered by AI

  • Information on how your deal compares with others in the area

  • Pulling asking, STC, withdrawn and sold comparables

  • Requested and obtained rent

Instant price and BTL rent valuation

Powered by AI

  • Information on how your deal compares with others in the area

  • Pulling asking, STC, withdrawn and sold comparables

  • Requested and obtained rent

Full address buster

Powered by AI

  • No more guessing which property you’re looking at

  • No more searching for doorbell and bins spotted on Google Street View

  • Works for houses and flats, saves time and admin cost

Full address buster

Powered by AI

  • No more guessing which property you’re looking at

  • No more searching for doorbell and bins spotted on Google Street View

  • Works for houses and flats, saves time and admin cost

Full address buster
Full address buster
Done for you Comparables
Done for you Comparables

Done for you comparables

Powered by AI

  • Certainty of what your deal is worth

  • Advanced comparables filters

  • Selection available (STC, withdrawn or sold)

Done for you comparables

Powered by AI

  • Certainty of what your deal is worth

  • Advanced comparables filters

  • Selection available (STC, withdrawn or sold)

Done for you due diligence

Powered by AI

  • Full address, EPC, surface area, £/sq ft, amenities

  • Restrictive covenants, lease length, stress test

  • Ownership details, Companies house links

Done for you due diligence

Powered by AI

  • Full address, EPC, surface area, £/sq ft, amenities

  • Restrictive covenants, lease length, stress test

  • Ownership details, Companies house links

Done for you Due Diligence
Done for you Due Diligence
Deal Calculators for all strategies
Deal Calculators for all strategies

Deal calculators for all strategies

Powered by AI

  • Know what stacks, and what to offer, whatever your strategy

  • Compare multiple exits: impact of different GDV, occupancy %, build costs fluctuation

  • Leverage prebuilt templates and case studies, whatever your strategy:

    BTL / HMO (Buy To Let or House of Multiple Occupancy)

    BTSA (Buy To Serviced Accommodation - Short term Let)

    BRRR (Buy Refurb Rent Refinance - BTL - HMO - SA)

    FLIP (Buy Refurb Sell)

    R2R / R2SA (Rent To Rent - Rent To Serviced Accommodation)

    PLO (Purchase Lease Option)

    COM2RESI-TOSELL (Commercial to Residential Conversion to Sell by units)

    COM2RESI-TOHOLD (Commercial to Residential Conversion to Hold)

Deal calculators for all strategies

Powered by AI

  • Know what stacks, and what to offer, whatever your strategy

  • Compare multiple exits: impact of different GDV, occupancy %, build costs fluctuation

  • Leverage prebuilt templates and case studies, whatever your strategy:

    BTL / HMO (Buy To Let or House of Multiple Occupancy)

    BTSA (Buy To Serviced Accommodation - Short term Let)

    BRRR (Buy Refurb Rent Refinance - BTL - HMO - SA)

    FLIP (Buy Refurb Sell)

    R2R / R2SA (Rent To Rent - Rent To Serviced Accommodation)

    PLO (Purchase Lease Option)

    COM2RESI-TOSELL (Commercial to Residential Conversion to Sell by units)

    COM2RESI-TOHOLD (Commercial to Residential Conversion to Hold)

Award-winning support & resources

Finding deals becomes very predictable

Access high-quality property investing educational resources.
Access high-quality property investing educational resources.

High-quality property investing educational resources

Powered by AI

  • Award-winning quick response Live Chat available 7 days a week, 6 am–8 pm

  • Responding and answering your queries in record time

  • An award-winning team of property experts just a click away

  • Unique resources available at your fingertips every day

  • Whether you’re tech-savvy or not, get the support you need to find your next deal ASAP

High-quality property investing educational resources

Powered by AI

  • Award-winning quick response Live Chat available 7 days a week, 6 am–8 pm

  • Responding and answering your queries in record time

  • An award-winning team of property experts just a click away

  • Unique resources available at your fingertips every day

  • Whether you’re tech-savvy or not, get the support you need to find your next deal ASAP

Property Filter Academy

Powered by AI

  • Set of organised resources to help you find the right answer for your questions

  • Videos to get started and quickly find your next deal

  • Detailed step-by-step guides and videos to find deals

Property Filter Academy

Powered by AI

  • Set of organised resources to help you find the right answer for your questions

  • Videos to get started and quickly find your next deal

  • Detailed step-by-step guides and videos to find deals

Property Filter Academy
Property Filter Academy
Find my Next Deal Q&A Call (2x1h/wk)
Find my Next Deal Q&A Call (2x1h/wk)

Deal Finder Q&A Call (2x1h/wk)

Powered by AI

  • Your bi-weekly group rendezvous on Zoom with Senior Property Consultant

  • Learn exactly how to set up your criteria and find your next deal

  • Ask questions live and leverage the power of the mastermind by listening to others’ queries

Deal Finder Q&A Call (2x1h/wk)

Powered by AI

  • Your bi-weekly group rendezvous on Zoom with Senior Property Consultant

  • Learn exactly how to set up your criteria and find your next deal

  • Ask questions live and leverage the power of the mastermind by listening to others’ queries

Members Only: Quarterly Catch-up 1-2-1 Call

Powered by AI

  • Get a friendly phone call every quarter to make sure you stay on track

  • We'll keep you informed about the latest features and resources available to you as a member

  • This will help maintain your momentum and ensure predictable results in your property ventures

Members Only: Quarterly Catch-up 1-2-1 Call

Powered by AI

  • Get a friendly phone call every quarter to make sure you stay on track

  • We'll keep you informed about the latest features and resources available to you as a member

  • This will help maintain your momentum and ensure predictable results in your property ventures

Member’s perk: quarterly catchup 121 call
Member’s perk: quarterly catchup 121 call
Member’s only Momentum Call with CEO (1hr/wk)
Member’s only Momentum Call with CEO (1hr/wk)

Members Only: Momentum Call with Property Filter CEO (1hr/wk)

Powered by AI

  • Your weekly top-level accountability and mentoring group call on Zoom with our award-winning CEO, business & property expert - Guillaume Black

  • Gain direct access to Guillaume and his cutting-edge frameworks and step-by-step blueprints designed to help you leapfrog your competition and achieve unparalleled success in property, business, and life

  • Available for a limited time only

Members Only: Momentum Call with Property Filter CEO (1hr/wk)

Powered by AI

  • Your weekly top-level accountability and mentoring group call on Zoom with our award-winning CEO, business & property expert - Guillaume Black

  • Gain direct access to Guillaume and his cutting-edge frameworks and step-by-step blueprints designed to help you leapfrog your competition and achieve unparalleled success in property, business, and life

  • Available for a limited time only

Members Only: Deal Finder’s Corner with expert guests (1hr/wk)

Powered by AI

  • Your weekly Live Property Talk Show with industry experts

  • Direct access to expert guests sharing the latest and most effective strategies, tactics, and property secrets

  • Discover what works right now for finding & closing deals

  • Learn about the reality of systematising and running a high-performance business in property

Members Only: Deal Finder’s Corner with expert guests (1hr/wk)

Powered by AI

  • Your weekly Live Property Talk Show with industry experts

  • Direct access to expert guests sharing the latest and most effective strategies, tactics, and property secrets

  • Discover what works right now for finding & closing deals

  • Learn about the reality of systematising and running a high-performance business in property

Member’s only Deal Finder Corner with expert guests (1hr/wk)
Member’s only Deal Finder Corner with expert guests (1hr/wk)
Member's only Exclusive Events invites
Member's only Exclusive Events invites

Members Only: Exclusive events invites

Powered by AI

  • Receive your personalised invite to our Members Only events

  • Big and small property related topics

  • Social gatherings with Property Filter team and other members

Members Only: Exclusive events invites

Powered by AI

  • Receive your personalised invite to our Members Only events

  • Big and small property related topics

  • Social gatherings with Property Filter team and other members

Members Only: Facebook Group and strategy related forums

Powered by AI

  • Join a network of thousands of active property investors making deals every day across the country

  • Access specific chat forums where you can ask questions and connect with fellow property investors and deal sourcers

Members Only: Facebook Group and strategy related forums

Powered by AI

  • Join a network of thousands of active property investors making deals every day across the country

  • Access specific chat forums where you can ask questions and connect with fellow property investors and deal sourcers

Member’s only Facebook Group and strategy related Forums
Member’s only Facebook Group and strategy related Forums

Copyright © 2024 – Property Filter Limited – All Rights Reserved – Data Controller Ref No: ZB340854 Registered in England – Company Number: 13311178 – Registered Address: 111 New Union Street, Coventry, West Midlands, CV1 2NT

Copyright © 2024 – Property Filter Limited – All Rights Reserved – Data Controller Ref No: ZB340854 Registered in England – Company Number: 13311178 – Registered Address: 111 New Union Street, Coventry, West Midlands, CV1 2NT

Copyright © 2024 – Property Filter Limited – All Rights Reserved – Data Controller Ref No: ZB340854 Registered in England – Company Number: 13311178 – Registered Address: 111 New Union Street, Coventry, West Midlands, CV1 2NT